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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Week 7, pre-tutorial

Having spoken to Mary Nagle, I am a bit confused as to where to go next in my project. After making several small 3D pieces out of recycled materials such as aluminium sheets, cans, wire and foam board, I realised that I really didn't enjoy working with them as materials. I found them quite limiting and awkward to use. But most importantly I wasn't enjoying what I was doing, leaving me feeling uninspired. At this point Mary said I needed to change direction completely.

These images show a couple of examples of the work I have done using recycled materials:

Since then I have been looking at print work. I completed a series of monoprints, which I really enjoyed doing and love the outcome of. From these I made prints with the acetates used. These produced a negative print of the image. I also made some monoprints by layering images over each other in both black and coloured inks. I found that these were not as successful as my original prints, however I enjoyed the process and experimentation.

I am currently cutting out wood blocks, to print as soon as possible, of my 3 main images; the 3 drawings I did from my initial research - kegs, ivy, drain. I have used photoshop to help me break the images into sections of colour, however I am only using these as a very rough guideline.

From here I am unsure where to go with my project. I may look into breaking things down into block colour and producing images in this style. I enjoy working with print as well as photoshop and photography, so I would like to continue my project using these elements.


Negative Image created using the acetate with remaining ink from the above monoprint

Layered monoprints

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