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Tuesday, October 5, 2010



I am currently working on my first project at LSAD. The title of the brief is 'Urban Environment'. My initial ideas looked at people in the society; stereotypes and their opposites. I did some brief sketches of these ideas, however was not sure this was the best route to proceed with as I wanted to photograph people, and to create the desired image I would have to design and then co-ordinate the scene, which wasn't really how I wanted to achieve the message. I then went into the city with my camera and took photo's of everything I found interesting. After nearly 200 photos I had my favourite 77 developed (due to cash constraints) and stuck them all up on my wall in my studio space. I arranged them into vague categories, such as pattern, litter in the environment, perspective of buildings/trees/the ground. My favourite images looked at contrasting images such as a flower growing through a strong wall, graffiti with ivy growing over it, or a beer can on a bed of beautiful autumn leaves. From here I decided to look at litter art and researched artists that use recycled materials in their work across the board, including sculpture, fashion, furniture and so on. I am now planning to make some small structures made out of wire and litter of rural scenes; such as a tree or a park scene. My aim is to show the juxtaposition of the subject against the materials used and raise the question of litter in the environment.

Other questions to think about are:

- What are we doing to our world?
- What are the consequences?
- Recycle Recycle Recycle!!

Thanks for reading! See you next time!

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