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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Week 7, post-tutorial with Mike Fox

I showed Mike the woodblocks I am currently cutting for print and he really liked the possibilities they could bring. As I am using 3 blocks of wood (squares of mdf) per print I am hoping to achieve a good sense of depth through layering colours. As it is my first attempt I do not necessarily expect to get a perfect product at the end of it, however I am looking forward to seeing how they turn out.

Last night I scanned in my originial 3 photographs that I am This broke the pieces down into blocks of colour. I love the affect this has on the image, it is a tool I have used often in the past. I actually layered 2 images over each other accidentally whilst printing them off the computer and loved how it turned out and its abstract qualities. Knowing that I know how it was created, but that other people don't, and that they would just see it for it's finished product also appealed to me.

Mike also loved these photoshops images and we have discussed me blowing them up in scale and re-creating them, in block colour, using paint, paper and possibly other materials too. He said that working on this scale will open up a lot of other opportunities to me.

I am looking forward to using my prints and also using block colour and shape. I am delighted to feel less muddled!

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