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Thursday, October 7, 2010

3D Sculpture

I am currently looking at the idea of using man made materials to build sculptures of natural subjects; ie a tree. I started by using heavy duty steel galvanised wire and just having fun with it! First I made a spiral that was large at the base and got thinner towards the top (roughly 8" tall). My next step was to wind pieces of light weight steel galvanised wire around each level of the spiral, from the bottom up. I bent the end of the wire into unusual zig-zag patterns to creat the branches/leaves.

I wanted the piece to be uneven and more rustic looking. This turned out to be lucky as I found it very difficult to manipulate the wire neatly and accurately. See images below of finished product:

 Finished product

A close up of the curls and binding used in the piece

I enjoyed my first experiment using wire to create a tree. I am pleased with how it went and the final result, although I am aware the outcome is not necessarily a pretty sight to all.

After attending a 3D demonstation I moved onto my next 3D wire piece. I used a new technique with the wire this time, which I learned at the demonstration. It is not finished yet, but you can see below for the current state of the sculpture.

A birdseye view of the weaving technique I am using

Once I am more confident using wire and have learnt a few more techniques I am thinking of buildind an installation piece in the corner area where I have my desk. There are a couple of pipes running up the wall so they will be ideal to use as a support. My plan is to then hang and wrap litter in different forms into the piece to add colour and diversity. I may even make a couple of birds to go in there too!

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