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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Update: Thurs 14th October

This week I finished my wire maquettes and started looking at my initial photographs again. I made a viewfinder out of card and laid it over a couple of choice photographs individually, to focus on a specific part of the image. I then made line drawings from the section within the viewfinder (with some mild shading for definition). I want to focus on the form and shapes within the images so that I can re-create them in 3D using recycled materials. It has also occurred to me to do some monoprinting with these new drawings and maybe even experiment in ceramics. I would like to complete another couple of sketches before I adventure any further so that I have plenty of material to work from when I turn to 3D.

Image One - Ivy on a wall

Image Two - Kegs out the back of a bar

An example of the recycled materials I intend to use to
re-create my drawings in a 3D format

Thanks for reading!

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