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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Positive Ireland

For this project we had to come up with a concept that we believed put across the message of 'Positive Ireland'. We were to choose something personal to our own experiences and values. I chose to build my campaign on the idea of Irish people being passionate about what they do.

My initial ideas proved too cliche/not shocking enough, so I turned to mixed imagery to put across my message. My final ideas show various sportsmen wearing unexpected items of clothing; ie. a rugby player in an irish dancing shoe and an irisih dancer wearing stud boots.

My other ideas showed a golfer using a fishing rod, a hurler holding a gold club and a basketball player shooting a shuttle cock.

My original tagline was 'What's your passion?' to get across my idea of people getting passionate about something and trying something new. However, today I changed it to 'Ireland: Unexpected Passion', to link in with the 'unexpected' scene on the billboard.

We also had to design a t-shirt and a promotional item. For the t-shirt I have an irish dancers legs on the front and a rugby players legs on the back. The freebie will be a headband as it can be used whilst playing sport.

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